
Friday, April 24, 2015

Abandoned: Parkerville Amphitheatre

It’s amazing what you find out and get surprised by. Did I know that there was a 70’s era hub of creativity and rock ‘n’ roll in my locality that I've lived in for 20 years? I did not, and when I found out it had been abandoned since the 1980’s, my interest certainly peaked again. 
The Parkerville Amphitheatre was an amazing venue in the 1970’s based in the bush and built around a damned section of Jane Brook; showcasing plays, orchestra performances, the first wine festival in WA and of course plenty of rock ‘n’ roll, folk and blues shows. Plenty of known artists played there, including John Farnham (of Cold Chisel fame) and Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs. 
What followed eventually led to the end of the Parkerville Amphitheatre however, with accidents, local council problems and then money woes unfortunately signalling the end of this very unique venue in the Perth hills. It has been abandoned since the 1980’s (from what I can tell), and the bush has not been kind. There are quite large trees growing out of the amphitheatre now, and all the bridges, remaining buildings and walkways are now partially destroyed and unstable. 
It’s all quite sad, but it’s been said that it has new owners who want to transform it into a new, smaller venue. The Parkerville Amphitheatre may live on soon, and as much as I love abandoned places, this is certainly a location that deserves to be revived.  
There is also currently an independent documentary being produced based on the extensive history of this location called Parkerville Amphitheatre: Sets, Bugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll. They had a successful Kickstarter campaign, so hopefully it will be released soon. Here is there Facebook page. 

The carpark entrance, which actually was built onto an existing heritage trail (that use to be a train track from the late 1800's until the 1960's). I made a post about the old Parkerville train station years ago, but the photos have since disappeared (Thanks Photobucket!). I should get down there with my camera again sometime soon.

Over a huge rock vaguely following where the path from the carpark use to be (now too overgrown to actually walk on).

Looking side-on at a smaller seating area. It's kind of hard to make out with all the brush and trees now sticking out of it, but I assure you its there.  

Eek! Suffice to say, I did not go inside. 

The front of the smaller amphitheatre.

 The one remaining building.

Buddah is keeping everything safe; except for the bridge of course.

A bridge going over Jane Brook is still intact, but quite unstable looking.

Based on an antiqued real-estate listing I found, this was an art gallery.  

The most intact part of the main amphitheatre, including what was once a stage/jetty over Jane Brook. The brook was quite dry except for a big puddle when I visited, but that's mainly because of the season.

There was a 'pool' like structure just in front of the main amphitheatre, which was an orchestra pit. It has some quite nice art lining it (full photo below).

Perhaps the remains of the bar?

Remains of the walkway heading back to the carpark.

Since I had so much fun doing it at the Ascot Water Park, I decided to take some before and after photos based on historical photos I found online.