
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hong Kong, Circa 2009

Way back in 2009, I went on an all expenses paid trip to Hong Kong (ie, a family holiday). I was only 16 at the time, and the whole world was in front of my pimply face. I attribute a lot of my works inspiration from experiencing the culture there over three years ago, inspiration which is still flowing.
The other day I found a 4GB class 4 SD card in my draw. I wondered what could possibly be on it, as I tend to be quite anal about backing up my photos. On it was nearly 900 photos I took in Asia back then,  which non of such had been looked at for a few years.
After panicky backing them up I decided to select a few I quite liked, and upload them. Why not 'eh? They were doing nothing else except rotting away on my HDD either way.

I wasn't exactly rocking the best equipment back then. All the following photos were taken with a $150 10MP Kodak camera. It was a nice little camera for someone of my demographic. It was my first digital camera and I literally saved up for it by working for $8 an hour at the local KFC. Dark days indeed, but I guess I was 16. Funny side story actually; the day I flew back into Perth after this trip was the day I rang up and quit. Don't mean to rant or anything, but damn that was a shit job.
Anyway without further ado ladies and gentleman, Hong Kong.

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